It has been a few weeks since we last wrote on the blog. Adjusting to the sailing life has taken time and we have had boat-school, visitors, numerous maintenance issues, and internet problems (we still do!). First Clare and Heather in Carriacou and now Luke and Christine in Martinique have joined us.
We enjoyed Carriacou, a small island of a few thousand with a feel a bit like Christmas Island, quiet, relaxed, and friendly. The annual Carnivale was on so we stayed a week longer than expected and the girls got right into the spirit! Here is a photo of the street parade which included acrobats and stilt walkers, beautifully crafted costumes, old and young, accompanied by massive ghetto blasters on trucks providing the beat. Caribbean people sure have the music and dance gene!
Clare and Heather (both accomplished backpackers) quickly met some locals and it was great to have Vincent and Matt onboard introducing some teamwork to the crew. Here we are raising the mainsail ready to sail to a beautiful bay in the north of Carriacou.
Tyrrell Bay, Carriacou.... a great anchorage!
Sadly, we left Carriacou to sail north again to Martinique via Tobago Cays, Bequia and St Lucia. Weather conditions were a little challenging with 30 knot gusts and 3m swell across the channels, and very strong bullets of wind from various directions coming off the volcano in the north of St Vincent kept is on our toes. With a few squalls forecast it got a little cold and wet and we had to don the wet weather gear! Here we are arriving in Marigot Bay, St Lucia after a 10 hour passage. All the kids have their sea legs now so although they look a bit weary they weren't sick at all.
Kara's big smile after snorkelling with lots of turtles at Tobago Cays.
Clare and Heather departed in Le Marin, Martinique... Clare back to Perth to study and Heather jumped ship onto Pantagruel, a classic wooden ketch, to continue her journey north.